Though we have all three Centers of Intelligence (head, heart, body), there's WAY too much emphasis on Head Center especially in the Westernized world. Read the blog to learn how to reconcile and integrate all three.
What is Your Relationship Model?
Talk With an Enneagram Type Four
Reflections from the CP Enneagram Inner Work Retreat as an Enneagram Type 4
How CP Enneagram Retreats Supercharge Your Growth
My Annual Heart Cleaning
Why Self-Judgment Doesn't Help But Actually Keeps You Stuck
What is Self-Referencing + Others-Referencing?
All of us have the capacity of being self-referencing or others-referencing - using ourselves and others as reference points for life, respectively. But what’s the difference between being self-referencing and being selfish, and being others-referencing and being generous? How can we grow beyond our Enneagram type by practicing both options?