Resources for Enneagram Fours

Here are the recommended videos, podcasts, blogs, and books for Type Four! (Bookmark this page!)

Free Videos for Enneagram Fours

Who are the Heart Types (Enneagram 2s, 3s, 4s)?
(Melinda Olsen, LMFT)

The Emotional Habits of Enneagram Types
(Melinda Olsen & Joanne Kim, LMFTs)

Enneagram Four Panel
(Beatrice Chestnut & New School Commonweal)

Explore the nuances between the three subtypes of Enneagram Fours:
Self-Preservation Four (4 SP), Social Fours (4 SO), & Sexual Fours (4 SX)

Courses for Enneagram Fours

Podcasts for Enneagram Fours


Blog Recs for Enneagram Fours

Book Recs for Enneagram Fours