Decorative. Joanne stands in an office smiling.

Glad you're here!

You’re probably reading this right now because you’re looking for someone who will GET you.

It’s hard enough as it is to KNOW what you’re feeling or needing, let alone TELL someone who might judge, criticize, or reject you. You already have a loud inner critic doing that for you, so why have more of the same?

You’re in good company! As a highly empathetic, conscientious, responsible type myself, I’m all too familiar with struggling to tune into myself as much as I attune to others.

Decorative. People sit on a sofa in front of a coffee table. The table has a box of tissues and a lit candle.

The #1 word that my clients said after their first session with me was “RELIEF” from hearing:

No, you’re NOT crazy. Your experiences make sense.

You’re NOT the only one who feels this way.

There’s a clear path to heal that’s definitely within your reach.

Deets About Me

Decorative. Joanne smiles outside while holding a guitar.

How am I in Session?

Decorative. Joanne smiles while looking at her whiteboard. A sign in the office states, Maybe swearing will help.

If you often feel embarrassed or ashamed, take a deep breath. I won’t be looking down from an ivory tower to analyze you. I got my own stuff, too, so you won’t be getting any shame or judgment from me.

A lot of people feel nervous when they first meet a new therapist, but I actually laugh (and cuss) a ton with my clients!

Therapy doesn’t have to be scary because it’s not always about facing the hard things. Sometimes it’s about dreaming about the life you want to create, celebrating the wins you’ve made, and making more room for what excites and nourishes you.

Big emotions like anger, sadness, and fear can be really overwhelming and confusing, but there’s probably a good reason WHY they’re coming up. I make it easier to understand what your feelings are revealing about your needs and what actions you can take to get them met.

A forest includes pine trees, cliff sides, and a waterfall.



Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (#110804)

Certified Brainspotting Practitioner

Founder of Intelligent Emotions

Co-Founder of Havenly Counseling Collective


Western Seminary, San Jose
M.A. Marriage & Family Therapy

Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy
Professional Certification Training
(with Beatrice Chestnut)

Brainspotting Trauma Treatment
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner
Completed Phase 1, 2, and 3 & Expansion Training

EMDR Trauma Treatment
(Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)

Christian Counseling Center, San Jose
Prelicensed Training, Past Affiliation


Painful Relationships

Difficult Emotions - anxiety, guilt, shame, anger

Trauma & Abuse/Neglect

Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)



Marriage Seminar

Depression & Anxiety

Empathy & Assertiveness


Attachment Relationships

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality 


Enough about me!
Let’s create joy for you.

Decorative. Joanne sits at a table with a palette of water colors. She holds a paintbrush. A red circle is on the page in front of her. A tattoo on her arm states, courage, dear heart.