
Concentric Circles of Connection

Concentric Circles of Connection

Use the Concentric Circles of Connection chart to plot how your current relationships are and make adjustments so that the closeness and distinction is just right.

Enneagram Type Six: What It's Like

Enneagram Type Six: What It's Like

Enneagram Type Sixes (Type 6s) are always prepared for the unexpected, making them excellent troubleshooters and great for supporting teams. But, that default to worst-case scenarios can sometimes make them overly cautious people. Read what it’s like to be a Type Six from Jonathan Siu.

Enneagram Type Nine: What It's Like

Enneagram Type Nine: What It's Like

Enneagram Type Nines (Type 9s) are other-centered people who seek comfort and focus on pleasing others, aiming to ease conflict in their lives. This tendency can lead Nines to fall out of touch with their own emotions, especially with anger. Read about what it’s like being a Type Nine from therapist Lorren Penner.