Starter Kit

3 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

3 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Join me and Lauren LaSalle as we talk on her podcast The Highly Sensitive Podcast about three ways to calm your nervous system as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

Concentric Circles of Connection

Concentric Circles of Connection

Use the Concentric Circles of Connection chart to plot how your current relationships are and make adjustments so that the closeness and distinction is just right.

Juggling Too Many Balls? Which to Keep and Which to Drop

Juggling Too Many Balls? Which to Keep and Which to Drop

Juggling many tasks and responsibilities is HARD. Prioritize tasks before making irreparable mistakes by identifying which of these juggled “balls” are made of rubber, glass, or wood.

Power of Perspective: Cycle or Spiral?

Power of Perspective: Cycle or Spiral?

You may feel sometimes like you’re going in circles - expending so much energy, time, and resources to change, only to find yourself in the same place all over again. As more time goes on, you feel like the future is bleak - what’s the point of trying, if it’s going to be the same? Perhaps what’s the issue is not what’s happening but how you perceive what’s happening. What if you ARE actually changing?



Feeling stuck and dissatisfied with life? Use this vision exercise so that you can break out of the swamp of discontent and break down big, abstract dreams into concrete, bite-sized actionable steps.

Radical Candor: Balancing Regard for Self and Others

Radical Candor: Balancing Regard for Self and Others

Do you feel like your needs don’t matter, despite how much you do for others? Learn how to move towards radical candor, a relationship stance that creates room in the relationship big enough for both yourself and others.

Life Timeline: A Bird's-Eye View of Your Life

Life Timeline: A Bird's-Eye View of Your Life

As a follow-up exercise to the Top 10 Best/Worst Memories List, the Life Timeline helps you visually see what larger periods of your life were like and recognize what kinds of needs were and weren’t met.

Reducing Stress with the React or Respond Chart

Reducing Stress with the React or Respond Chart

The part of your brain that helps you make wise, sound decisions to manage stress is the very part that also shuts down when you pass a certain threshold. Keep yourself grounded and balanced with this handy worksheet!

Triage Chart: How to Manage Overwhelm

Triage Chart: How to Manage Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed by a million things that seem both important and urgent? Click here to learn how to declutter and focus with the triage chart!