
The Emotional Habits of Enneagram Types (Part 1: Introduction)

The Emotional Habits of Enneagram Types (Part 1: Introduction)

Joanne (OliveMe Counseling) and Melinda (Inviterra Counseling) are Enneagram therapists who love helping people grow beyond their reactive patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing. Listen to the introduction of their 4-part series as they discuss emotions, the Enneagram, the three Centers of Intelligence and dominant instincts.

What is Self-Referencing + Others-Referencing?

What is Self-Referencing + Others-Referencing?

All of us have the capacity of being self-referencing or others-referencing - using ourselves and others as reference points for life, respectively. But what’s the difference between being self-referencing and being selfish, and being others-referencing and being generous? How can we grow beyond our Enneagram type by practicing both options?

Growth Tips for Each Enneagram Type (Part I)

Growth Tips for Each Enneagram Type (Part I)

The Enneagram tells us 9 different ways of seeing/responding to life that used to be helpful coping strategies when we were younger that now keep us stuck in painful situations. Read this blog to learn two growth tips for your Enneagram type.

Juggling Too Many Balls? Which to Keep and Which to Drop

Juggling Too Many Balls? Which to Keep and Which to Drop

Juggling many tasks and responsibilities is HARD. Prioritize tasks before making irreparable mistakes by identifying which of these juggled “balls” are made of rubber, glass, or wood.

Power of Perspective: Cycle or Spiral?

Power of Perspective: Cycle or Spiral?

You may feel sometimes like you’re going in circles - expending so much energy, time, and resources to change, only to find yourself in the same place all over again. As more time goes on, you feel like the future is bleak - what’s the point of trying, if it’s going to be the same? Perhaps what’s the issue is not what’s happening but how you perceive what’s happening. What if you ARE actually changing?