Havenly Counseling Collective is a group of healing professionals who want to bridge the huge gap between those who want to heal and the people who can really help make that happen.
Especially in the Silicon Valley, people are starved for connection. The common sentiment I hear all the time from my therapy clients is, "It's so hard to meet people. I feel so alone."
We hope to fill some of that need with regular events that draw similar-wavelengthed people.
Some possibilities? Perhaps a paint-your-feelings workshop, a flower arranging workshop, yoga classes, Enneagram & Wine nights exploring various topics, etc.
To kickstart this, we are holding our Open House on Sat, March 18, 4-6pm.
You're invited to:
enjoy refreshments (charcuterie + beverages)
win awesome raffle prizes
meet our therapists
meet other people in the area (Who knows! You might make a new friend who shares similar values!)
learn more about who we are as Havenly and how we can get you connected to everything we have to offer!
RSVP here by Feb 25 so we get a headcount for food & drinks! Come join us for the fun!